What Is Cbd Oil For Dogs And Cats

Hey, it’s Bob here, and I recently explored a method of alternative care for my Puppy. You might remember, Puppy is breezing through her 13th year – wow, 13 years! – and still has that youthful spirit, eager for a good wrestle and bravely defending her turf from my Kitty’s playful ambushes. But, as she’s … Read more

Understanding Cats Body Language

Hey, it’s Bob here with a topic that hits close to home. A year and a half ago, my Kitty just showed up. Not having had a cat, I had to learn on-the-fly about my new little buddy. After extensive research, I can share some very helpful tips with you. Understanding a cat’s behavior is … Read more

Pet Dental Care Tips

Hello , it’s Bob here. I recently had a bit of an eye-opener when I took my pup, Puppy, for her routine teeth cleaning. It’s pretty easy to forget about those little chompers when they’re hidden behind that adorable smile, but let me tell you, dental care is crucial for our furry companions. Often, we’re … Read more

Natural Remedies For Pet Allergies

Hey, it’s Bob here with a bit more about how to take care of your pet using natural approaches. We’re fast approaching pet allergy season, a time that can be tough for our furry friends. My own Kitty is currently navigating the challenges of allergies, which really brings this topic close to home for me. … Read more

Rabbit Diet And Nutrition Tips

Hey, it’s Bob here, and I wanted to focus on the diet and nutrition of your little Easter Bunnies! In our last conversation, we covered the overall care of these lovable creatures. But now, let’s zero in on something equally critical: their diet. You’ll soon discover that diet isn’t just one aspect of rabbit care; … Read more

Pet Rabbit Care Tips For Beginners

Hello, it’s Bob here and wow, Easter is right around the corner. I thought I should share some great tips on the care for buddy’s of the Easter Rabbit: Your Pet Rabbit! You might think that this is a good time to get a pet rabbit for you and yours. All fur babies need great … Read more

Healthy Dog Treats Homemade

Hi, it’s Bob here to share some delicious treats! That is, treats for our best canine buddies! My 13-year-old “Puppy,” who’s gotten a little long in the tooth, has inspired me to find ways to keep treat-time both healthy and tasty. And guess what? There’s a smorgasbord of options out there that I’m excited to … Read more

Dog Behavior Training Tips

Hi everyone, Bob here to share some training tips for our beloved canines! I can say from experience with my 13-year-old ‘Puppy’ that training is an ongoing, life-long adventure. Let’s get started, shall we! If you’re bringing a new four-legged friend into your home, there’s no better time to start training than right now. It’s … Read more

Best Flea Treatments For Dogs And Cats

Hello friends, I have another important topic to discuss that will keep our furry buddy’s out of harms way. As you know, Spring is right around the corner, which means it’s time to think about flea prevention for our four-legged friends. As someone who’s learned the importance of flea control the hard way, I want … Read more

Training Older Dogs: Challenges And Solutions

Allow me (Bob) to welcome you back. Today I’m going to level with you about something that’s rather close to my heart. Training an older dog isn’t like working with a young pup full of boundless energy. But here’s the thing: it’s a journey well worth taking. My own experience with my 13-year-old ‘Puppy’ has … Read more